
Sibelius : Svarta Rosor (Roses noires, 흑장미) / Karen Vourc'h, soprano

히라소리 2019. 10. 9. 19:48

        Karen Vourc'h, soprano
        Susan Manoff, piano
        Svarta rosor (흑장미)
        Language: Swedish (Svenska)
        Sag hvarfor ar du sa ledsen i dag,
        Du, som alltid ar sa lustig och glad?
        Och inte ar jag mera ledsen i dag
        An nar jag tyckes dig lustig och glad;
        Ty sorgen har nattsvarta rosor.
        I mitt hjerta der vaxer ett rosendetrad
        Som aldrig nansin vill lemna mig fred.
        Och pa stjelkarne sitter [tagg]1 vid tagg,
        Och det vallar mig standigt sveda och agg;
        Ty sorgen har nattsvarta rosor.
        Men af rosor blir det en hel klenod,
        An hvita som doden, an roda som blod.
        Det vaxer och vaxer. Jag tror jag forgar,
        I hjerttradets rotter det rycker och slar;
        Ty sorgen har nattsvarta rosor.
        Black roses
        Language: English
        Tell me, why are you so unhappy today,
        You who are always so cheerful and bright?
        In fact I am no more unhappy today
        Than when you think me cheerful and bright;
        For grief has roses black as night.
        In my heart there grows a flowering rose-tree
        That will never, ever leave me in peace.
        And the stalks are all covered with thorn on thorn,
        And it nags and torments me without respite;
        For grief has roses black as night.
        But from roses there comes a flawless jewel,
        As white as death, as red as blood.
        It grows bigger and bigger.  I feel my strength fail,
        It tears and gnaws at the roots of my heart;
        For grief has roses black as night.