
VA - Higher Octave Collection 1.2(1995)

히라소리 2019. 10. 11. 19:07



Genre: New Age / Instrumental | Artwork included


Disc: 1
01. Acoustic Planet - Chaquico, Craig
02. The Last Goodbye - Shahida, Shahin
03. Heart Still/Beating - Liebert, Ottmar
04. Bandalero - Schon, Neal
05. Three Sisters - OConnor, John
06. Islands of the Galapagos - Schultze, Kristian
07. You Know My Heart - Aura, William
08. Sanjo - Touray, P.
09. Montezuma - Holm, Michael

Disc: 2
01. Here Comes the Night - Aura, William
02. Twilight in Galisteo - Liebert, Ottmar
03. Gypsy Nights - Chaquico, Craig
04. Island Turtles - Holm, Michael
05. Barrios de San Antonio (Neighborhoods of San Antonio) - Reyes, J.
06. Body and Soul - Shahida, Shahin
07. Aotearoa (Land of Light) - Tico, Randy
08. Shepherd's Nite Watch - Liebert, Ottmar
09. Heaven & Earth - Deuter, C.G. 
